Monday 4 April 2011

Three front pages

The title I have used for design 1 is "Go Goffs".
This is design is extremely plain and simple. The front page main image  is a medium long shot of a Goffs student and takes up almost the entire front page with just the name of the magazine along the left hand side. The font is a bold bubble writing and it would have a shadow effect.

The second design used an italic font with the Goffs school logo next to it. i used a medium long shot of two young pupils showing the new uniform and my main story would be about the new Goffs school uniform. This design also using a very basic and conventional layout. i also have an image of a pupil celebrating their results as another feature of the magazine.

 My third design for the front page uses a medium shot of a female pupil at the school in her uniform showing the new girls uniform. A bold italic font would be used and although in the design the font covers the models eyes i would have to change this because the eyes are a key part in any image.