Sunday 8 May 2011

Design Sketches -front pages double page spreads and contents page

This is my first design for the loyout of my contents page it follows a conventional style and would be easy to use. I like this layout because it doesnt look too busy and is easy to understand. The reader can see images for key stories and there is also a letter from the editor.

my second design has a main image in the centre of the page with smaller polaroid images at the bottom. it uses the 'L' from louder at the top left of the page and has the content of the magazine running along the side of the magazine this is similar to the design of the NME magazine that I analyised and is where i got the inspiration from.

This is a design for my double page spread. instead of havin one main image on the side of the page like most magazines would i have used two images one on either side of the page. these images would be surrounded by text and would be cut out onto the background of the page.

This double page spread follows a much more conventional layout with the mai image on the left and the text on the right. i like this layout because it is simple and poeple would be attracted to it because it is how they are used to seeing thier magazines designed.
I like the layout of my third double page spread because it is different from what you are used to. It uses a series of polaroid images across the top of the page with the article written underneath it. The images across the top of the page would be a series of images that tell the story.

This is the first design for my front cover, it uses an extreme close up and the face takes up almsost the entire page this will draw an audience in immediatley especially if i used an attractive model. i have a banner along the bottom and a pug on the top Left. the barcode would be position at the bottom right of the page as with most magazines.

This second Design is slightyl different from most magazines as the image is the back ground of the entire magazine. other than that it uses conventional magazine layout.
My third and final front page desgin is extrmeley conventional with a medium close up used although it simple and conventional it is also a little boring.
 My third design for my contents page uses a number of polaroid shots that cover almost the entite page. although this may make the magazine look 'exciting' it would also make it more complicated to find sotries and may look too busy and put poeple off of buying it because it is not laid out simply enough.

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