Sunday 8 May 2011

Initial Ideas

 A simple break down of the initial ideas for my magazine

Title- for my title I came up with a few names ;
  • Louder
  • Squeeze
  • Music Mayhem
  • Music Music Music

Main Story lines;
  • A new pop star – this would involve an interview with someone new on the scene of chart music.
  • Youngest band in the charts- I could call the ‘the new kids on the block’ they would be a young hit band and it would be an interview with them about how music changed their lives
  • An artist with a new number one record/album-  an interview describing how their life has changed since their last song/album
  • Band split- a tribute to the old band and reasons for their split
  • Rival bands fight for the number one spot- a profile on each of the bands with a brief interview.

Colour Schemes;
·         Red/white/blue – works well together has been used in other magazines.
·         Red/black – this also works well but may not be right for my genre of music.
·         Pink/green/black – these colours go well together and would attract the right sort or audience for my magazine.
·         Purple/black – I like these two colours together and they would also fit in well with my music genre.

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