Sunday 8 May 2011

Target Audience

This is Sarah; she is seventeen years old lives in the outskirts of London in a small rural area and is the perfect example of my target audience. Currently studying her for her A levels in Media, photography and English. Sarah enjoys socialising with her friends and when they are together they are constantly listening to the latest chart music or plugged into music channels like MTV music and Viva and she never misses the top 40 countdown. Although music is an important part of Sarah’s life and she is never caught without her Ipod she also enjoys watching T.V programmes like Glee, 90210 and Gossip Girl.  Her favourite artists include; Adele, Katy Perry, Rhianna, Enrique Inglesais, Ke$ha and Taylor Swift.
Based on the NRS system my target audience for my magazine will be level D and E as it is mainly aimed at teenagers and young adults who are either currently studying at school or university and D and E are where students fit into. Because Sarah is still a student and spends most of the money she earns at her  weekend job on new clothes and nights out with her friends I wouldn’t be able to price my magazine to high, so I think that £1.60-£2.20 is an expectable price for a weekly magazine so I would probably price it at around £1.90. However if I was to sell the magazine fortnightly or monthly the price would rise to around £2.00-£3.00. 

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